Discover how you can use your innate feminine bias for early attachment to create deeper attraction with men and inspire a deeper commitment from him without you looking needy and low value. (Even if you can’t get over feeling secretly shameful of being needy and low value in the past.)
Learn the inner wisdom behind your attachment bias as a feminine soul, and how to transmute this wisdom into exciting, alluring and engaging interactions with even the most masculine men. (Even if you’re successfully scared off every man you’ve ever been with.)
Discover why you should never follow the common advice of being “detached” with men, and why your ability to attach is the most powerful yet intangible thing in your intimate relationships. (…And learn how to get men to love, treasure and cherish your innate desire to attach as a feminine soul.)
Learn how you can dance with the gut level fears that come with your bias for early attachment and use this to inspire men to engage with you with infinite more care, love and compassion. (It’s never about becoming fearless as much as discovering how you can dance with the fears.)
Discover the 3 magical powers you gain when you embrace your innate feminine bias for early attachment, and how they make you become the one and only woman in the eyes of every red-blooded man. (…And ultimately lead down a smooth path to deeper affection and commitment.)
Learn the 2 specific levels of tests you need to employ as a woman in order to emotionally guide your feelings of attachment to a man. (This is especially true for the second level of tests I call “endearing tests of attachment”, forget to use these & you’ll be sorry.)
Discover the exact steps you need to take to finally attach emotionally to a man in healthy ways that inspire him to emotionally attach to you in return. (Even if he’s been pulling away and started to doubt the relationship.)
And plenty more…
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