Discover where real value lies through the 5 stages of commitment, so that you will always be respected, treasured
and valued by men.
Discover where real value lies through the 5 stages of commitment, so that you will always be respected, treasured and valued by men.
Discover how masculine men perceive value when they first meet you versus the value they perceive as they start to date you. (There is a gradual change that you have to adapt for, otherwise the relationship becomes stale and stagnant.)
Discover why being that “nice” woman is little value to men and what you must become in order to capture his heart and win his infinite affection. (You’ve been told a huge lie and it’s time to set that straight.)
Discover why your expression of vulnerability and honesty has so little value in the beginning and what you need to do instead in order to get him to fall head over heels for you. (Why you should save your vulnerability until this particular milestone.)
Discover exactly what value you’ve not brought to the table in order to cause all your previous relationships to prematurely fizzle out. (And how you can make simple adjustments to stop those patterns once and for all.)
And plenty more…
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In the words of the great Louise Hay, what you give comes back to you multiplied.
Learn how to stay high value without being taken for granted or being used by men.
Learn how to hold your feminine boundaries without having to come across negative or aggressive.
Discover how to give your love freely without having to worry about being taken advantage of.
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